Wondering how to find Dosh offers in the app? You've come to the right place! Click on the offer type below to learn more:
Local and Nearby Offers
You can find our local offers by tapping the 'Nearby' icon in the bottom left corner of the Dosh app.
Scroll down on the screen past the What's Nearby map to see a list of Local offers. The offers are sorted by distance from your location, so the further down you scroll, you'll find offers that are a bit further from you (up to about 50 miles).
You may also click on the Show By button underneath the search bar to filter your search for more specific results.
Upon clicking the Show By button, a new screen will pop up where you can make your selections:
You can also type in a merchant’s name or a general term (ie: pizza) in the search bar at the top of the screen and then type in a desired zip code or city. Numerous offers will then pop up. Scroll down, select a merchant and you will be brought to their page.
What's Nearby Map
You can use the What’s Nearby map which will show you nearby offers in your area. Move the map around to a new area and tap the Search Here button and all local offers will pop up.
Clicking on the offers on the map or in the lists will give you more information about the specific locations that are included in the offer. Scroll down to the "Offer Details" section, and you'll see all limits, one-time use exclusions, or daily caps that the participating merchant may have as part of their offer. Please note that offers may remain in your app until the offer expires; this does not negate the offer terms found in the "Offer Details" section.
If a particular merchant has both online and local offers, you will see the online offer at the top. Keep scrolling down past the map to check out their participating locations near you!
Please note: In order to get cash back for these offers, you’ll need to pay using an eligible card that’s linked to your Dosh account.
Steps for finding offers may vary depending on the device. If no offers are appearing make sure your location services are on. Follow the instructions below to turn on your location services:
- If you are an Android user: Settings>Personal>Privacy and Safety>Turn Location On
- If you are an iOS user: Settings>Privacy>Location Services>Allow Dosh to Access Location
Online Offers
You can find our online offers by tapping the Offers icon in the bottom left corner of the Dosh app. If you know the merchant you're looking for, you can type in the merchant’s name in the search bar at the top of the screen.
You should see “Online Offer” underneath a merchant’s logo when it pops up. Select the merchant and you will be brought to the offer.
You may also sort and filter the available offers. Just click on the Show By button near the search bar at the top of screen to make your selections:
Once you have selected a merchant and are viewing their offer, scroll down to the "Offer Details" section to review any limits, one-time use exclusions, or caps that the participating merchant may have as part of their offer.
Please note that in order to get cash back for these offers, you'll need to tap the Shop or Open button within the offer in the Dosh App. Tap the button and you will be taken to the merchant's app or website. All purchases must be made using a linked card:
Still can't find what you're looking for? Contact our Dosh Support Team here!